
NEA Releases Report On ‘Necessary Characteristics’ Of Nuclear Regulators

By David Dalton
7 July 2014

7 Jul (NucNet): International activities, co-operation and peer reviews are closely interlinked and are necessary characteristics of an effective nuclear regulator, a report by the Paris-based Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Nuclear Energy Agency says.

The report, ‘The Characteristics of an Effective Nuclear Regulator’, describes the characteristics of an effective nuclear safety regulator in terms of roles and responsibilities, principles and attributes.

It says a regulator must be clear about its regulatory roles and responsibilities, and have public safety as its primary focus.

Independence from any undue influence on the part of the nuclear industry and sectors of government that sponsor the nuclear industry is vital.

Core technical competence and experience are the basis of an effective regulatory body, but not sufficient in themselves. Other complementary competencies are needed such as knowledge of organisational and human factors, as well as legal and core regulatory competencies.

Openness and transparency are fundamental to a regulatory body in achieving and maintaining credibility, trust and respect, the report says.

A regulator must have technical competence at its core and must be accountable for the decisions it makes. Other characteristics include “strong organisational capability”, robust management systems and strong leadership.

The NEA said the report provides “a unique resource” to countries with existing, mature regulators and can be used for benchmarking as well as training and developing staff. It will also be useful for countries in the process of developing and maintaining an effective nuclear safety regulator.

The report is online:

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