Research & Development

US Must Support Development Of SMR Technology, Says Study

By David Dalton
19 October 2017

19 Oct (NucNet): If the US wants to renew its leadership in nuclear technology and exports it needs to invest in a range of small modular reactor (SMR) technologies and help them reach commercial deployment, a study says. The Nuclear Innovation Alliance study, ‘Enabling Nuclear Innovation: Leading on Small Modular Reactors,’ says rebuilding the dominant position the US once held as the leading exporter of nuclear power plants could create hundreds of thousands of American jobs. It adds that a significant construction programme of SMRs in the near future is achievable if a combination of sensible state and federal policies is enacted. “The US should invest in a portfolio of reactor technologies and provide a continuum of support through the different stages of development using the market to guide technology down-selection,” the report says. The study recommends a blend of federal and state policy solutions including expanding the US Department of Energy cost-sharing programme with the private sector to accelerate SMR licensing and deployment. The study also highlights SMRs’ ability to complement intermittent renewables through their ability to “load-follow,” or ramp power up and down to follow daily fluctuations in electricity demand. This means SMRs could fill a role similar to natural gas plants on the grid, but without generating emissions. The Nuclear Innovation Alliance is made up of companies, investors, experts and stakeholders seeking to advance nuclear energy innovation and enable reactor commercialisation. The study is online:

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