News tagged with 'IEA Report'

Global Renewable Capacity Additions Up 50% in 2023, But Some Countries Increase Nuclear Instead

IEA Report / Global Renewable Capacity Additions Up 50% in 2023, But Some Countries Increa...

Policy in South Korea has shifted towards new reactors, says energy agency
Europe Suffers, But Losses Offset By Growth In China And Russia

Nuclear Jobs / Europe Suffers, But Losses Offset By Growth In China And Russia

IEA report warns of continuing skills shortage and highlights impact on France’s Flamanville-3
Changing Policy Landscape Could See Nuclear Construction Reach New Heights

World Energy Outlook 2023 / Changing Policy Landscape Could See Nuclear Construction Reach New Heights

Energy watchdog says growth likely to be led by China and other emerging markets
Policies Paving Way For New Reactors, But Massive Investment Needed, Says IEA

‘Nuclear Comeback’ / Policies Paving Way For New Reactors, But Massive Investment Needed, Says IEA

China could lead way in expansion, accounting for one-third of all new capacity to 2050

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